Nature Law and Management
One of the differences between the ManageWithoutThem management model and the type of management we are used to is that MWT is based around 'rule by law' and that nasty management you are used to is based on 'rule by man'.
The difference is actually greater than this. When Austrian economists such as Hayek speak of 'rule by law' they often qualify it with standards around what makes a good law. Without such standards 'rule by law' is essentially the same as 'rule by man' – only the laws have been codified.
Organisations almost understand the need to transition to 'rule by law'. This is evident in the emphasis in processes. However, organisations are yet to understand the next step.
The standards which make a good law (or at least one perspective on this) come from a body of theory around 'natural law'. Check out James's Liberty File Collection and particularly his introduction to nature law.
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