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Friday, August 22, 2003


Cynicism from "Sparkles", our secret corespondent in the field

I think she's being a tad unfair. I think many managers have good intentions but are merely doing the wrong stuff. However, Sparkles is not alone with her sentiments...

From: Sparkles

Thought you might like my latest insight into current
senior management trends ..

"I'm thinking that when you become one of the big boys
you've gotta adopt what I call the "bad apple
stategy". You see you can buy an apple that looks
quite good - and it isn't until you bite into it that
you realise that you definitely don't want to eat it
and there isn't much worth salvaging. But you can
still slap a bit of wax on the apple and make it look
really appetizing! In fact you can brag to everyone -
look until I slapped the wax on the apple it looked
pretty average - but now it looks great!! Now the
trick is to get rid of the apple before is goes so bad
that it looks bad from the outside as well. That way
when things go bad you can claim that they were good
when you were in charge!"

Saturday, August 09, 2003


I love it when ancient Chinese proverbs quote me...

The first step towards wisdom is calling things by their right names.

--Chinese Proverb

(found here)