Welkin: A General-Purpose RDF Browser... is yet another meaningless graph-based viewer.

Nobody I know thinks in graphs. My wife reminded me last night that I only really know about 4 people (and to be fair a couple of them might actually think in graphs) but I'm pretty sure *I* don't think in graphs.

What I really want to see is a browser with some sort of 'plug-in's for relationship type visualisations. The basic relationships I would expect to come out of the box are 'Contains', 'Is followed by', 'Below', 'Peer'.

The next feature required is to be able to lock down some visualisations and relationships. For example I might define a framework containing a number of locked down visualisations (say some boxes to put stuff in) and some locked down relationships (give everything with a 'Type' attribute of 'Platform' a 'Contains' relationship joint to the locked down Platform visualisation I have placed on the framework).

The brower could then produce something a little more meaningful. Contradictions within rules could be shown with movement (alternate between the two contradicting relationships and redraw).

In the above example I could throw data at the framework and it could sort it. Then I could overlay the graph-based representation as used by this Welkin thingie. Because items would already be constrained I'd be able to actually get some meaningful information from the damn visualisation!!!